- Check list of all Requirements for all Loans
- Loan Application
- Temporary/ permanent work permit/ for foreign investors
- Investment certificate
- Principal Registration Certificate
- Tax payer Identification Number (TIN)
- Contractual lease agreement that extends to 5 years after the full payoff period of the loan (if applicable)
- Title deed certificate or proof of ownership
- For Industrial project
- Approved Blue print of Architectural plan
- Approved Blue print of Structural plan
- Approved Blue print of sanitary plan
- Approved Blue print of Electrical plan
- Bill of Quantity (in soft and hard copies)
- Approved site plan
- Construction permit
- Take off sheet
- For Agricultural project
- Approved construction plan (Blue print)
- Bill of quantity ( in soft and hard copies)
- Approved site plan
- Construction permit (for urban area)
- For Agro- processing project
- All requirements listed under 1.2.1 for urban area
- All requirements listed under 1.2.2 for rural area
- PRO- Forma Invoices
- One pro-forma invoices (for multiple suppliers)
- For Industrial project
- Loan Application
During disbursement or procurement, however, if the purchase material is available in the Bank’s database and if its price is not higher than the database price, it will be treated with the supply of one proforma invoice. If the purchase material is not available in the Bank’s database, three proforma invoices are required for disbursement.
Nonetheless, any procurement that worth more than a million dollar will be treated as per the directive of the National Bank of Ethiopia.
- Single pro-forma invoice (for sole suppliers or manufacturer)
The pro-forma invoice:-
-Should have specification and catalog including country of origin
-Should be presented from legitimate suppliers or manufacturer
-Should be of the same capacity and quality
-Should be for major items
-For turnkey supplies bid results should be submitted (if applicable)
- Ethiopian Nationals
For married applicants: Marriage certificate
For single applicants: Written evidence of being single
For divorced applicants: Divorce certificate and evidence of being single.
- Expatriates
For married applicants: Marriage certificate, authenticated by the relevant country’s ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Climate: rainfall & temperature data
- Water supply: availability & test for salinity
- Soil test: suitability for the intended crops to be grown